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The City of Brantford is concerned about the impacts of the timing of the proposed regulation for the municipalities. It’s financial burden is ambiguous in regards to the proposed process and impact on municipal projects and operations

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MOECC efforts to seek advice and input on excess soil using a multi-ministry and multi-stakeholder engagement approach were very much appreciated. It is evident that feedback was considered and has informed on the development of this Regulatory Proposal.

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Gravel Watch Ontario is pleased that the Province is continuing to work towards an effective regulatory framework for the management of excess soils in Ontario. The posted proposals are a step in the right direction.

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The proposed amendments to O.Reg. 153/04 in general seem very positive, and the requirements for the management of excess soil provides a solid framework that ensures soil is handled and managed properly, which is excellent. A few comments on the Draft posting are provided below: 1.

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June 23, 2017

Ministry of the Environment and Climate Change
Climate Change and Environmental Policy Division
Land and Water Policy Branch
40 St. Clair Avenue West, Floor 10
Toronto, Ontario
M4V 1M2
Phone: (416) 326-5107

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Durham Integrated Growers for a Sustainable Community supports Toronto Public Health in their request that the ministry also consider amendments to the Ministry’s site assessment processes which currently present a barrier to initiating community food projects, particularly in low-income communit

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City of Guelph Comments on Excess Soil Management Regulatory Proposal (EBR # 013-0299)

The following comments are provided by the City of Guelph (the City) on the Excess Soil Management Regulatory Proposal, EBR# 013-0299:

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I live in a retirement community next door to the Tottenham Airfield Corporation (TAC) site when I first came here fourteen years ago it was a little used rural grass airfield.

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- In comparing soil standards from Table 3 of Part XV.1 of the Environmental Protection Act and Table B of the proposed Excess Soil Regulatory Package, it was noticed that the allowable F1 and F2 petroleum hydrocarbon values, among other parameters, were higher in the former than in the latter.

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June 23, 2017

Sanjay Coelho, Senior Policy Analyst
Ministry of the Environment and Climate Change
Climate Change and Environment Policy Division
Land and Water Policy Branch
40 St. Clair Avenue West, 10th Floor
Toronto, ON
M4V 1M2

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We have witnessed for the past ten years the destruction of areas on the ecologically sensitive Oak Ridges Moraine by the dumping of fill from construction sites.

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23 June 2017

Sanjay Coelho
Senior Policy Analyst
Ministry of the Environment and Climate Change
Climate Change and Environmental Policy Division
Land and Water Policy Branch
40 St. Clair Avenue West, Floor 10
Toronto, Ontario
M4V 1M2

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I have some questions regarding the proposed MOECC excess soil regulations "Proposed Excess Soil Regulatory Package – New Proposed Regulation and Amendments to Existing Regulations"):

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I have been engaged for several years with the issue of soil dumping resulting from improper and unregulated management of excess soil and contaminated soil.

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