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The repeal of this act is short sighted and is bad for green energy technology investment in Ontario. We need to act on climate change now and repealing this act will not enable investment in the green energy we will need for the future. Lire davantage

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Although I support Green Energy in all forms, especially to avoid burning coal for power, and am thus predisposed to not like this plan, the main issue I have with it is the lack of forward thinking that it seems to exhibit. Lire davantage

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The green energy act enables Ontario to continue its transition to more sustainable sources of energy for the future. This act removes a lot of the bureaucratic red tape associated with some of these medium to large scale projects. Lire davantage

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In light of climate change, we should not repeal the Green Energy Act. The current government must first present a clearly stronger proposal as a replacement for the Act with intentions of climate change mitigation. Lire davantage

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Repealing the Green Energy ACT is a mistake. We need legislation with teeth that will actually push people and corporations to make choices that are environmentally beneficial. We need to invest in green energy projects and replace our reliance on fossil fuels and nuclear.

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I'm not that upset about this. I think the previous legislation was good in making electric vehicles 'stick' past the early adopters phase of the consumer cycle threshold. With no current incentives, that doesn't mean that Ontario is no longer electric-vehicle friendly. Lire davantage

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The liberal party was a mess. They really messed up in alot of ways, unfortunately it's all of the positive things they've done that the Conservatives seem intent on destroying. Your intent on reducing the size of government and financial waste. That's fantastic. Balancing the budget? Lire davantage

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Do not go back 20 years on this portfolio. Be progressive and more positive on the environment front. Add to the current act to provide additional protections and support for alternative energy sources.

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This bill is disgusting. The environment registry of Ontario should be protecting the environment not destroying it more. Please reconsider. I am an Environment and Business student at the University of Waterloo. I am 19 years old, and I disagree with this bill.

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Cancelling the Green Energy program, with no replacement is a subjugation of our responsibility to our commitment to the Paris Climste Accird. Ontario moves from progressive climate action to laggards. Less than 49% of the population voted for Ford and his ignorant minions. Lire davantage

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I'm writing as a citizen, mother and also an environmental scientist, to express my deepest concerns about repealing the Green Energy Act, including provisions for cap-and-trade. I'm also expressing my dismay at Ontario pursing a challenge to the Federal government's proposal for a carbon tax. Lire davantage

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Climate change is beyond question the greatest threat facing humanity. I expect our governments to take responsible action, which is beyond the scope of individual citizens, in reducing our carbon emissions. The Green Energy Act is the only measure we have in place. Lire davantage

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The provincial government has the responsibility to protect its citizens from the devastating effects of global warming. In cancelling the Green Energy Act, the provincial government would be harming the health and well-being future generations. The Green Energy Act must not be repealed!