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This is absurd. Why would a public entity such as the government remove the caps on child care costs when the supply and demand is out whack in major cities? Lire davantage

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I'm against this. Environmental and consumer protections should not be scrapped for the sake of big business who do not always have the peoples' interest at heart. Lire davantage

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We, Ontarians do NOT want this bill to go through! We oppose the destruction of land and water. We cannot eat or breathe money! We urge this government to step back and make the right desision by leaving all environmental protection intact. Or even better, improve them. Lire davantage

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The regulatory changes merely externalize the business' costs, which place too much of a burden on the public's health and the environment. These changes are not in the interest of "the people".

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The act, particularly as it pertains to toxic chemicals in water supplies and development in green areas is unacceptable. Lire davantage

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Doug Ford, this Bill is rediculous and unacceptable. In a time of sweeping climate change, we urgently need to protect our natural resources, while your proposed regulations would remove safeguards over our environment and our health and safety. Lire davantage

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This Act is a reprehensible, short-sighted and backward. Repealing these Acts does not benefit Ontarians. Allowing companies to freely dump toxic waste and pollute our waterways while getting rid of the greenbelt doesn’t help us. Lire davantage

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This is a ridiculously irresponsible move, for not only the environment but the health of Canadian people. There's only one planet, Ford, and a dollar bill is the only thing that won't reverse the damage you are doing.

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The changes proposed in this bill are unacceptable, enough of putting money ahead of the wellbeing of the people and the environment! You critisized the liberal government, but what you are proposing is far worse than any mistakes made by the previous government!

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As someone who resides in the green belt I cannot approve of the changes adapted in this bill. The environmental impacts that are possible because of this bill are unacceptable, and this governments willful ignorance of environmental issues impacting Ontarians is shocking.

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I strongly oppose this bill which will have devastating environmental effects and bypasses protections put in place to protect lives from contaminated water, toxic chemicals etc. Lire davantage

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I am concerned that exempting open for business zoning bylaws from regulations will allow environmentally damaging developments to occur, putting water source protection and agricultural land at risk, push employment to the edges of urban areas and increase commute times, and increase lobbying effor Lire davantage

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This cannot pass. I have 2 daughters under 3 and I'd like to know that we are protecting the environment for their future. The ford family only cares about themselves and their friends. We cannot change these laws just to feed his ego. Lire davantage

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You campaigned on maintaining the Greenbelt. People believed you would keep your word. This is what people mean when they accuse you of having a hidden agenda. Lire davantage

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This Omnibus Bill is contrary to democracy and appropriate governance. Repeals to different acts should be debated on their own merits. Lire davantage

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This is not the right way to stimulate business investment and job opportunity growth. This is a step backwards when it comes to serving the people of Ontario. Lire davantage

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Your government is dispicable. How dare you sell out our environment. I can’t even begin to say how much I disagree with the all proposed changes. For the sake of my children I beg you to not go forward with these changes. How can you think that this is good for people? Lire davantage

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Don't play with matters you don't understand. Avoid destroying the environment, which is the only decent thing of this country. Play your vendettas somehow else. Thanks for your time.

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Rouge Duffins Greenspace Coalition

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We are completely and utterly disgusted by this outrageously backward attempt to undermine these environmental protections. This should be called Bill 666, The Open for Sprawl Bill. Sprawl costs money to the taxpayer making growth unsustainable for municipal taxpayers and transit unaffordable. Lire davantage