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I do not support this Bill at all. Streamlining is an acronym for pushing things through without time for adequate response from the neighbourhoods being affected. This Bill isn't surprising however. Lire davantage

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This is a disaster for communities. the OMB rules make a mockery of city planning and livable communities - random approvals that are not required to confirm to an urban plan creates chaos and over development in the wrong places. we already have more active cranes than any other city on earth. Lire davantage

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Developers should not be allowed to buy their way to bypass and get "relief" from zoning regulations. Lire davantage

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I would like there to be no amendments made to the Planning Act. The proposed changes will only contribute to more urban sprawl onto farmland. Municipalities have already set aside enough land for developers to build on. Lire davantage

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I am opposed to this legislation for the following reasons: -returning to the former OMB rules and procedures is undemocratic - unelected bodies should not have veto rights over decisions by elected officials' 'de novo' hearings without reference to City decisions, planning etc. is appalling Lire davantage

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The OMB was widely and justifiably criticized for its complete disregard for the official Toronto City plan, the recommendations of City planners and zoning by-laws. The OMB almost invariably approved development proposals irrespective of their impacts on affected communities. Lire davantage

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Bill 108 sounds like a plan that may impact animal species in a negative manner. Having developers with less restrictions and neighbourhoods with less say is not a good thing. Lire davantage

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Increasing housing availability and streamlining process development are worthy goals. Lire davantage

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Planning for housing should be at the Municipal level and conform to local zoning and bylaws . Provincial government in partnership with the federal government should be providing MONEY to municipalities for affordable housing. Lire davantage

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This decision to allow greater certainty in the value and timing of fees associated with development in the province is critical to allowing developers to plan carefully and execute projects with greater certainty. And the capping of the community benefit charges affords even greater certainty. Lire davantage

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No to the new proposed planning act in Toronto We have seen this act be extremely detrimental to the Willowdale area and we do not want it !

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As a house owner and tax payer I do not appreciate the wild west attitude to housing development currently proposed for the city of Toronto. It amounts to nothing more than a revenue grab for developers. There is insufficient transit in place to sustain any increase in density. Lire davantage

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I am most disturbed to hear of the changes proposed as part of Bill 108. Lire davantage

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Statut du commentaire A new analysis finds that liberalizing zoning rules and building more won’t solve the urban affordability crisis, and could exacerbate it. Lire davantage

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Take a look at what Vancouver does with development and what developers need to do to build in that city. Better planning and better communities!!

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The Corporation of the Town of Georgina

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Please be advised that Town Council for the Corporation of the Town of Georgina considered proposed Bill 108, More Homes, More Choice Act, 2019, and passed a motion directing staff to send a letter to the Province requesting an extension of the June 1st timeline on the Environmental Registry of Onta Lire davantage

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Mulmur Township

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Dear Sirs and Madams: Re: Bill 108 This letter is our response to “More Homes, More Choices, Ontario’s Housing Action Plan, May 2019”, and Bill 108, More Homes, More Choice Act, 2019. Lire davantage

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Municipality of Trent Lakes

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Please accept this Council resolution as the comment from the Municipality of Trent Lakes. Resolution No. R2019-331 Moved by: Councillor Armstrong Seconded by: Councillor Lambshead Lire davantage

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i) Make the changes effective as soon as possible. We understand that the government is considering “transition rules” to move from Bill 139 to Bill 108. In our view, there was a reason the Government acted swiftly to introduce Bill 108: Bill 139 is simply unacceptable. Lire davantage