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End the calf hunt completely. Establish and protect moose refuge areas. Commit more resources for enforcement, monitoring and research. Change the composition of BGMAC to be more representative of all Ontarians.

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Changes were needed as moose hunters were unhappy with the present system. There were no open house sessions held in WMU 28, one of the most popular WMUs, a session should have been held in Kirkland Lake or Temiskaming Shores. The proposed system does little to encourage new hunters. Lire davantage

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I commend the BGMAC Committee for all their dedication to complete this task in a short time. I believe the changes they are suggesting are valid and will help improve the Moose Population. Lire davantage

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1. I think that the creation of calf tags in Wmu's 48 , 55A , 55B and 57 has pushed hunting pressure north to Wmu's 37 , 40 , 41 ,42 and 47 and creating calf tags in Wmu,s 37,40,41 ,42 and 47 will do the same thing in Wmu,s 28 ,29 etc . Lire davantage

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I can not begin to understand the continual need for changes with in our ministry without scientific proof. We can not possibly begin to make changes when it comes to numbers of moose tags allocated to specific areas without understanding the actual harvest taking place. Lire davantage

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I believe that limiting hunting groups to only 10 people will effect many groups in a negative way. I have been a part of a hunt camp for 16 years but it has been established for 30 years now with 15 plus owners. Lire davantage

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I am concerned that the new allocation process will result in parties (i.e. hunt camps) having inconsistent hunting experiences. Some years a party may get several tags and other years, they may get none. This will likely result in many more unsatisfied hunters.

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New proposals don't work for our group and don't provide any real benefit just change for change sake, this is not what we need we need to address, Bear calf kills, Wolf moose kills, native unregulated moose harvest not just controlled hunter harvest. Lire davantage

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I feel that the following should be implemented: - a area needs to be designated as a refuge for moose -The calf hunt needs to be stopped -monitoring and research and enforcement need to be increase. - a more representative BGMAC