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When moving to the point system everyone should start at zero and not from when they first started applying. You will have the same problem with people waiting several years for a tag because their points are so low. Lire davantage

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I’ve had the privilege of hunting moose in Northeastern Ontario for 30 years now. Across the years many positive changes have occurred for big game hunters; better technology, better moose knowledge, better forest roads, etc. As a result, our hunt group has improved each year. Lire davantage

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Understanding fully that there will never be full agreement on how to manage this resource i fail to understand why for 35 years this management system of calf harvest was not fully implemented. Lire davantage

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Would allowing a trophy bull hunt be something that could be considered? Only allowing bulls with certain size racks might allow everyone to hunt and still protect the herd?

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Thrift Lake Hunt Club, since 1958!

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I believe this is a great proposal! They have taken our concerns and appear to want to work with the users of BG in this province. Team work with the indigenous people as well is very important if we can get them on side with recording their harvest, Hope this works. Lire davantage

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on the proposed moose management changes , the point system should not include losing points because the hunter recieved a surplus tag. reason is that the hunter does not get to hunt in the wmu that they applied for in the past (possibly 20 years). i believe that this should be taken into account. Lire davantage

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A change I personally would like to see, would be to allow natives to each receive a tag, but required to register the tag they buy, it would be an easier way to track down the numbers of moose killed, as we often see multiple moose killed by 1 native. Lire davantage

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Some of these changes seem reasonable. I believe that all district should have a calf draw not only they 5 new added ones. Have there been any consideration in completely shutting down the hunting for a few years or alternating years to let the population increase a bit? Lire davantage

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First the bow season should be put back to where it should be. Currently bow hunters have to deal with gun hunters setting up camps and scouting during the last week of the bow season. This puts them at a deisadvantage for thier hunt with the added pressure in the bush. Lire davantage

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I think this is a great step in the right direction. I am a fan of the point system for the draw and no more groups! I moose hunt alone and this gives me a real chance at a tag! Lire davantage

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I don't like the idea of a point based system. I live in unit 28, the which has a larger influx of Torontonians for the moose hunt. This is because it is because it is easy to get to for the moose hunt. Lire davantage

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Group party hunting down to 10 hunters is still too big, Should be no larger than 4 with provisions to bring in apprentice hunters with their fathers at 2, so group size no larger than 6. Lire davantage

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My original suggestion involves the review of the native harvester cards on why a single family is allowed to harvest more than 1 full sized moose. Lire davantage

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The proposed changes are well thought-out and address what I believe to be the biggest issues with the current system. As a moose hunter who generally hunts in small groups these changes will do a lot to level the playing field when applying for tags. Lire davantage

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I think there is little point to all this when only one group of people have to follow the rules. Until everyone is on the same page you will have little chance of managing the moose population properly. Lire davantage

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I think the development of the points system is and effective fair way of distributing tags. How ever I am concerned about reducing number the rifle tags available and replacing them with archery tags. Lire davantage

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Moose hunting is a group activity, to eliminate the group draw process would be a shame. I agree the points system sounds good but it needs to be broken into different classes individual, small group and large group. Lire davantage