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We have a cottage in Rondeau - one that has many family memories attached to it - it is important to us and our family. We support the community when we are there - spending money and visiting local attractions. Lire davantage

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I support the continuation of the Rondeau cottage community in perpetuity. I support the three-year lease extension as described in ERO Policy Proposal 019-0907. This lease extension should be granted automatically to all existing leaseholders. Lire davantage

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I support a 3 year extension for cottage at Rondeau. Been here a long time and hope things can be resolved so younger generation can enjoy what I have for years. These young kids are so friendly to the environment that it can only be a good thing to allow them to continue on here

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It's been sad to see cottages in Rondeau not being cared for in the past few years because of no guarantee of a long term stay. I'm definitely in favour of the lease extension, as long as it will help reach a permanent arrangement for cottage lots.

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Statut du commentaire

I support the continuation of the Rondeau cottage community in perpetuity. I support the three-year lease extension as described in ERO Policy Proposal 019-0907. This lease extension should be granted automatically to all existing leaseholders. Lire davantage

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Statut du commentaire

I support the continuation of the Rondeau cottage community in perpetuity. I support the three-year lease extension as described in ERO Policy Proposal 019-0907. This lease extension should be granted automatically to all existing leaseholders. Lire davantage

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Statut du commentaire

I support the continuation of the Rondeau cottage community in perpetuity. I support the three-year lease extension as described in ERO Policy Proposal 019-0907. This lease extension should be granted automatically to all existing leaseholders. Lire davantage

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Statut du commentaire

I support the continuation of the Rondeau cottage community. I support the three-year lease extension as described in ERO Policy Proposal 019-0907. This lease extension should be granted as soon as possibleto all existing leaseholders.

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Statut du commentaire

I support the continuation of the Rondeau cottage community in perpetuity. I support the three-year lease extension as described in ERO Policy Proposal 019-0907. This lease extension should be granted automatically to all existing leaseholders. Lire davantage

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I support the 3 year lease extension, but think it should be automatic. The bigger issue is to address and resolve the long term solution for cottages at Rondeau Park. Unfortunately previous governments have never truly dealt with the fundamental need to give us certainty of residence there. Lire davantage

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Statut du commentaire

I support the continuation of the rondeau cottages community to perpetuity. I support the three year lease extension as described in ERO policy proposal 019-0907. The lease extension should be automatically to all existing leaseholders. Lire davantage

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Statut du commentaire

I support the continuation of the Rondeau Cottage community into perpetuity. I support the automatic ERO 019 0907 three year lease extension. I also support a permanent extension to the lease be implemented ASAP. Thank you for your attention to this ongoing issue.

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Commentaire fait au nom


Statut du commentaire

I support the continuation of the Rondeau cottage community in perpetuity. I support the three-year lease extension as described in ERO Policy Proposal 019-0907. This lease extension should be granted automatically to all existing leaseholders. Lire davantage

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Commentaire fait au nom


Statut du commentaire

I support the continuation of the Rondeau cottage community in perpetuity. I support the three-year lease extension as described in ERO Policy Proposal 019-0907. This lease extension should be granted automatically to all existing leaseholders. Lire davantage

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Commentaire fait au nom


Statut du commentaire

I support the continuation of the Rondeau cottage community in perpetuity. I support the 3 year lease extension as described in ERO policy Proposal 019-0907. This lease extension should be granted automatically to all existing lease holders. Lire davantage