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After reading through the proposal and trying to digest it's complicated nature, it made me question the ability to implement and police this program. I feel the perceived savings would be spent populating the monitoring/policing department, and giving them an impossible job to do. Lire davantage

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well it is about time that producers are made responsible for recycling. if this goes ahead I am sure things will change big time with the producers and their wasteful packaging of their products.

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Anything to enhance reduction of waste materials that damage the environment is welcome. Lire davantage

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Dear Friends of the Environment, who have drafted the proposal, What wonderful news! I applaud the key principles. Seems like a very complex undertaking, but the sooner it can be worked out the better. Lire davantage

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It seems as if the Government of Ontario is attempting to get out of the responsibility of recycling. What a messy situation to expect private companies to collect our garbage. Lire davantage

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I have been waiting for years for this initiative In Ontario. I have no vested interest, except care for our environment, and I’ve heard that it has worked very successfully in Sweden for years. We are drowning in over- packaging! I have a couple of concerns. ... Lire davantage

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I have scanned the draft of the proposed regulation RE: blue box recycling. I may have missed a great deal. As someone that drives to the dump with garbage, recycling and organics during the winter months, I have some concerns. Styrofoam is one. Lire davantage

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Please make designing for disassembly (DfD) a focus of the regulation. Companies must be encouraged to decrease the number of materials used in each product or package. Lire davantage

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I have worked with my local municipal authority as a volunteer when the initial attempts at waste diversion were being implemented. We have no curb side collection and are required to ‘drop-off’ the recycled content at the municipal transfer station. Lire davantage

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So important to make the producers responsible for this material! We need to get more of it out of the garbage and properly recycled. Styrofoam pickup at the curb, recycling of more plastics (including black plastic). Thank you.

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It would be educational To the public to provide a diagram with examples of how the producers would collect the materials Etc—- something mapping this plan out visually with examples of the companies over 2million that you have in mind . It is a bit hard to understand as it reads quite abstract . Lire davantage

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I think it would be good to include promote/accommodate stores and restaurants in the recycling program.

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We would like to see the frozen dinner trays allowed to go back into the blue bin. They have a recycle symbol on the tray but they would not take them, told us we had to put them in the garbage. Lire davantage

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If this happens, I think the regulations on what recycling can be sent to landfills needs to be tighter and hopefully the companies are just paying for the recycling on not in charge of what gets sent to landfill. Lire davantage

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Why would we want to introduce more Regulations to make Ontario businesses regulated and weighed down by red tape, especially at this time. It almost seems like Doug Fords government is in a race to see if it can do even more crazy things then the Liberals did. Lire davantage

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I would be very happy with this proposal as a starting point if it were set to have goals for 2022 or earlier. 2026 is well outside the current governments term, which makes this proposal nothing but wishful thinking. Very disappointed.

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I fully support EPR with this new overhaul of the blue bin program. Making producers responsible for their own products is key in ensuring that the cost of recycling and/or landfill falls onto the manufacturers and takes the burden off the public where we have no choice. Lire davantage

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I have been involved in the recycling business for over 20 years and it appears that the government still does not understand how to improve various aspects of recycling. Lire davantage

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Hi, I think this is great and it will certainly change the way packaging and products are treated by both the consumer and producer. Lire davantage