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We need to save all animals especially ones that are on the extinction list!!! We are destroying their homes and then we get all angry and scared when they come into back yards or wherever. Well you took their homes in their natural habitat! Where do you think they're going to go? Read more

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Far too many species are at risk, and it is essential that there be protection in place to help them. Ontario allows far too many loopholes in the legislation to protect the wild places, and once a creature is extinct, then that is it. Read more

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While I understand the desire to support business, doing so at the expense of wildlife is not 'good business'. Decimating natural habitats diminish the life experiences of all and have a negative long-term impact on all. Read more

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Changes to the Endangered Species Act should improve protections, not water them down even further. This review won’t help species at risk if it doesn’t address exemptions that make it too easy for business and industry to do even more harm to critical habitat. Read more

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What is important is that you strengthen Ontario's Endangered Species Act and not weaken it. Ontario's Species should be considered first and foremost and not be an afterthought when it comes to economic development. Read more

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Our government needs to put our environment and endangered and at risk species ahead of business and corporate gain/greed. Our country is judged by how we treat our vulnerable citizens, species and environment. We need to be leaders not villains!

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We cannot continue to ignore that every extinction creates a domino effect that cannot be reversed. Each life on this planet is precious and should be treated as such. These animals would not be facing extinction if it were not for the arrogance and actions of humans. Read more

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The proposed changes to the Act should take into account not just species at risk but entire ecosystems when considering the effects of economic development. We need biodiversity to maintain the integrity of our environment and the viability of our agriculture and forestry industries. Read more

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Species at risk of extinction need more protection, not less. It is already too easy for industry to get exemptions (ex. Algonquin Park and logging) to destroy essential habitat. For species to be fully protected they need uninterrupted corridors for them to travel freely and survive. Read more

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The Endangered Species ACT should be strengthened to protect the species of Ontario. Once a species becomes extinct it’s a catastrophic loss to our environment and future generations of Ontarians. It’s money very well spent.

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• Changes to the Endangered Species Act should improve protections, not water them down even further. • Clearly defined no-go zones protect wildlife – while creating efficiencies for business by making it clear where development won’t be permitted. Read more