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There are a great deal of issues surrounding the existing spring bear hunt that have not been addressed appropriately. While The Fur-Bearers strongly oppose the spring bear hunt and believe it should be cancelled, there are issues that must be considered if it is to continue. Read more

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Please do not kill the mamas and their babes... just tired of all the killing that goes on. Why cant we shoot a camera, and appreciate what is left of mothers earths precious wild neighbours.. please please put down the guns against innocent families.. please Read more

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Ontario is my home, I was born and raised here and I love it. I have been hunting with my Dad and the same group of friends in Ontario for over 20 years. I own 50 acres of bush purchased specifically for hunting 7 years ago. We have built a hunt camp that we all cherish. Read more

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Hunting for trophies is an anachronism, a red-neck left-over from bygone days. Some-one makes a little bit of money and another bear dies, often followed by the cubs who either become prey or starve to death. What a sad commentary on our humanity.

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There is absolutely no need to conduct a bear hunt. This is at its best a barbaric, and destructive act, with no proven scientific reasoning. What chance does a bear have against a cowardly person hiding a safe distance away with a gun? Read more

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With a spring hunt too many baby bears are orphaned & succumb to a terrible cruel death by starvation or fall prey to other animals. Killing animals for so called 'sport' is outrageous. Have we not evolved any better than murdering animals for fun?? Read more