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Firstly I whole heartedly disagree with hunting any trophy animal, (including animals for their furs ). Hunting in any form should not involve any unnecessary stress or pain and I believe using dogs to hunt down animals is cruel and unnecessary stress for any animal. Read more

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I cannot believe that this is even happening in 2023. This is absolutely an archaic form of entertainment. I find it so fascinating that the current Ontario Government is so favourable about the promotion and implementation of various hunting "sports". Read more

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This is absolutely morally horrendous. Yet another sign that the government of Ontario has contempt for wildlife. The PC government's primary agenda is clearly devoted to gutting sensible environmental laws. Read more

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Wow, you really want to recreate the Hunger Games for animals? They already live in fight-or-flight mode naturally, but in this case there is no escape. This is deplorable. Do better. You know better. This is utterly unacceptable in 2023. Read more

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It is cruel to continue the practice of taking wildlife from their homes and enclosing them for the purpose of training dogs. Those animals were free, living in the wild. Now they will live in enclosures and live a life of fear and torment. Continue to phase this out. Read more

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This practice should be eliminated, not expanded. It is sickening that the Ontario government sanctions cruelty towards animals and the unethical practice of caged sport hunting. If put to a vote, I am certain this would not meet the approval of the majority of Ontarians.

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How is cruelty to wild animals, in a trapped area even something that is being considered as acceptable? Stealing wild animals from nature, putting them in a cage and terrorizing them is not OK. What we should be discussing is a ban on hunting wildlife for "fun" entirely.

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I’ve read through the proposal and hope it does not pass. This practice seems wildly inhumane and archaic. Training hunting dogs at the expense of animals’ lives is cruel. I don’t think the proposal should pass and I would hope that these enclosed areas be banned altogether eventually.

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This proposal is shockingly horrific! The inhumane use of penned wildlife as hunting practice for dogs is truly disgusting and very clearly demonstrates how cruel a society/province we are becoming and indeed, have become. Please stop this amendment to the Fish and Wildlife Conservation Act. Read more

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This is so inhumane that I can’t believe this was ever done or even a topic of discussion. I have a hunting-breed dog, and I would never condone this type of behaviour. We live peacefully among the rabbits, foxes, and coyotes in Oakville. No need to train any dogs to hunt these wildlife creatures. Read more

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Our policies with respect to wildlife and natural habitats need to take into account animal welfare. I understand that hunting is a practice that will continue to exist but it is on us to provide the parameters to ensure that it is done in a humane (as humanely as possible) and sustainable way. Read more

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Wildlife should never be taken from their natural environments and held captive by hunters. It’s especially cruel to use rabbits, coyotes, and foxes as pawns for hunters to train dogs and hold competitions.

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What about the well-being of the animals being used as bait? Who will care for them/ their wounds? How is this allowed? How can they just be taken from their homes and tortured. This is barbaric. No concern for animal wellfair.