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It is extremely horrific that a dog would be trained to kill wild animals that were trapped and released into an enclosed area. Where will these wild animals come from? Illegal trapping? Pest control companies? I don't understand the reasoning behind it. Read more

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This practice is unnecessary and needlessly cruel. Attention and investment would be better focused on preserving farmland to ensure local food access and increasing infill development in cities. No one is subsistence hunting with animals.

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Please do not allow new permits. Let's stop this cruel practice to animals. Let's protect dogs as well from being injured, and being trained to be violent. I don't want this tyoe of aggressive, violent and senseless activity allowed in my province.

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Please see attached document from the Canadian Veterinary Medical Association in support of the submission by the Ontario Veterinary Medical Association regarding the proposed changes to the Fish and Wildlife Conservation Act regarding dog train and trial areas

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I am totally against using captive animals as bait or training aids. Kept animals depend on us, and trust us. Using them as bait turns human beings into the most despicable of creatures. As human beings, we can and should do better.

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This is unnecessary & highly inhumane. I can’t even fish without having to mind that the fish is the correct size and type or I can get a fine… why must this go on?!? CRUEL CRUEL CRUEL!!!!

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Absolutely do not support this proposal to perpetuate any such practice. How is this wildlife conservation? This is cruel and inhumane. It should be phased out entirely. I expect the MNR to do better.

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This goes against any protection of our wildlife. Wildlife should be left alone and kept at a distance. Please take into consideration of the consequences of moving forward with this proposal.

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I write in opposition to this proposal. This is animal cruelty and has no place in our province. I absolutely oppose the cruel and inhumane treatment of animals that will be the result of this proposal. Shame.

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Please do not proceed with this amendment. We as a community as inhabitant need to move forward to create a better world for us , other inhabitants of the earth and our future generations and this amendment is not the way to do it.

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Please do not open up the expansion of these train and trial areas. It's horrifically cruel and has no place in modern Canada. Most Canadians would not support this change if they were aware that it is being proposed.

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Please DO NOT GO THROUGH WITH THIS INHUMANE AND UNNECESSARY policy. Ontarians don’t want this. It will hurt wildlife and train dogs to be excessively aggressive. There was a reason why this was outlawed in the first place.

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This is an archaic practice that will traumatize wildlife and is going in the opposite direction of where we need to go. We need to minimize our exposure to the wild. There literally is 0 need for this “proposed” practice.