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I strongly oppose the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry’s proposal to allow new licenses, and the transfer of existing licenses, for dog train and trial areas in Ontario. Penned dog hunting facilities are cruel to the wild animals used to train dogs to hunt. Read more

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This is an absolutely disgusting idea. These trainings can be done without subjecting wildlife to trapping and inhumane projects. We often forget that animals are not here for our personal uses. They are living breathing beings that should be able to peacefully co exists with us.

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How much more damage and destruction can this current government do to our natural environment??? Not only is this government illegally selling off the Greenbelt to their developer friends, but now they want to trap wild animals so that dogs can be better trained to hunt them??? Read more

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This is a barbaric practice! It's horrific and I cannot understand how anyone could think this is a reasonable proposal. STOP this!!! There is NEVER any reason to cause horrible pain and suffering to an innocent animal. Read more

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This is absolutely inhumane and reprehensible. If the Ontario Government approves this they will face the wrath of the MAJORITY of VOTING Ontarians, many of whom love and respect wildlife and have pets themselves. I am very surprised to even see this raised as a possibility. Read more

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Humans already inflict so much suffering on wildlife with our never ending development and poor co-habitation habits. I am opposed to increasing ways in which we inflict suffering on wildlife. They have every right to not be caught is painful traps, not be kept confined, and not used for sport.

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This is the most disgusting thing I've ever read - barbaric and incredibly cruel, inexcusable. I cannot imagine even coming up with this idea, let alone approving it. I will do anything to make sure this kind of abomination does not occur in my community.

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It is absolutely absurd and disturbing to even be considering this proposal which involves trapping wild animals in an enclosed area to be chased by dogs, stressed for extended periods of time and likely killed for human gain. Read more

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I strongly oppose the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry's proposal to allow new licences and the transfer of existing licences for dog train and trial facilities in Ontario. New licences are a huge step backward for society. Read more

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Please stop the “Proposal to allow the issuance of licences for new dog train and trial areas and the transfer of licences”. 1. Penning wild animals and allowing hunting dogs to pursue, maul, and destroy them, constitutes animal cruelty. That cruelty is reason enough to stop the proposal. Read more

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This seems like an incredibly cruel way to treat the wild animals that would be penned in, in order to allow the dogs to be trained for sport hunting. Foxes and coyotes are not hunted for meat! Read more

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Please do not allow any licences to be issued moving foreign. It’s cruel, inhumane and illegal through many avenues of the Criminal Code as well as many, many other Acts of Parliament. Please do some research, open your mind and prevent the legal actions facing this potential decision. Read more

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Shame on you for proposing this barbaric unnecessary archaic practice and to add moreof these. What cruel uneducated fool in government would propose this. This needsto be tossed in the garbage bin.