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Please do not go forward with issuing these licenses. This is organized animal cruelty little different from organized dog fights and cock fights. The bait animals have no way to escape and will be terrorized, experience terrible suffering and likely death all in the name of sport. Read more

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This is utterly disgusting - how can these vicious and inhumane facilities exist in this province, let alone be considered for expansion. I am a rural Ontarian and though I am not a hunter, I have friends and family who do so. Read more

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I absolutely disagree with and firmly reject the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry’s proposal to allow new licenses and the transfer of licenses for the purpose of train and trial areas in Ontario. Read more

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It is an abomination that penned animal hunting is allowed at all in Ontario. Proposing to expanding this cruel, horrific practice is beyond belief. This is Canada and Ontario, supposedly a modern, civilized country and province. The year is 2023. Read more

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I wholeheartedly oppose this proposal. It’s barbaric and celebrates cruelty to animals. Not only are you encouraging dogs to be violent, which will most certainly rear it ugly head outside of these licensed hunts, you’re promoting cruel, painful deaths for the coyotes and likely the dogs as well. Read more

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This proposal is absolutely disgusting. What world are we living in that this is even considered?! Canada in 2023 is better than this. I'm horrified that this is seen as acceptable by anyone in this country. You should all be ashamed of yourselves!

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I am a licensed veterinarian in Ontario

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These enclosures do not fulfill the requirements set out by the Canadian Council for Animal Care to which they are subject ! Therefore phasing them out as planned previously is the only right way to proceed. Read more

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I firmly object to the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry’s proposal to allow new licenses and the transfer of licenses for train and trial areas in Ontario. Please stop this cruelty. Read more

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We do not need more of these facilities. They are cruel wanna inhumane. It's not hunting. It's sport. It causes wild animals to suffer emotionally and physically. It's abusive for the dogs as well. I am against allowing any more of these facilities to open.

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This is disgusting that you would even consider allowing this cruel treatment of animals.Both the hunters and hunted are victims here.Animals are not here for our amusement or entertainment.Please reconsider.