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from everything I've heard there seems to be enough land already where houses can be built ......unless the proposed building expansion includes housing suitable and affordable to people who find the present price of habitation far beyond their reach what good will it be overall ? Read more

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I am deeply concerned about the removal of the greenbelt lands by our government and Bill23. I feel that our government is pandering to the developers and worry that they will make millions at the expense of the lands that this government promised to keep to protect the environment. Read more

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The proposal to use parts of the Greenbelt to construct housing, with the empty reassurance of replacing that land with acreage in other areas, reflects a fundamental lack of understanding of how natural heritage systems and green infrastructure work. Read more

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As a resident of Ontario, I do not support the Conservative governments proposed plan to sell 7500 acres of land to developers for residential properties. I believe there are alternate solutions to support the housing inventory within the cities that already exist.

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The greenbelt and protected wetlands are a continuous space. You cannot take pieces out and replace them with discontented pieces of land. There needs to be a investigation into the sale of land that was was not classified as residential or prime for development . Read more

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This proposal is outrageous and constitutes yet another way of decreasing land and natural heritage protection in this province by this government to add to the multitude of other inexcusable changes that have already been made and, no doubt, will continue to be made in the future. Read more

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Government has lost sight of the bigger picture. We don’t need more housing but we need better planning and infrastructure. We need large businesses to look at other parts of the country for HQs. You’re killing the Ontario green belt in exchange for short sighted gains. Read more