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Leave this land alone, build somewhere else. Tear down abandoned or unsused buildings in suburban areas. Assigning land to be protected in a different area does not fix the problem. The closer you build and the smaller the greenbelt gets it puts the biodiversity that has been developping at risk. Read more

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I am completely do not support eating up our greenspace and farm lands for more housing. Our population is already too large and cannot be supported by the existing infrastructure as it stands. Adding more people to the population of Hamilton is going to be detrimental.

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I love the idea of building more homes quickly and can understand the need to increase capacity. With that said, we need to focus on increasing density in as around cities and towns which have viable land for development rather than destroying the green belt. Read more

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Please do not do this. There are far more options to relieve commuting congestion and manage housing for immigration. Why you think the only option is to build on an environmental buffer space is completely lost on me. This is a huge Provence, not just one city. Read more

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Overall, the More Homes Built Faster plan and associated opening up of the greenbelt will have negative consequences to the environment, municipal governments' ability to administer and implement their respective Official Plans and cost already overburdened taxpayers more money. Read more

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Density not expansion! Why do we need to destroy precious land to build houses, we want tighter knit communities rather than endless suburban sprawl. For Ontario to start building on the green belt is equivalent to Alberta deciding to build in Banff national parks.

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Please GOD protect our green belt. This designated area was not assigned with the intent to remove the designation to build infrastructure later on. The proposed infrastructure would have a significant impact on the local ecosystems and would forcibly relocate all the wildlife in those areas. Read more

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Destruction of the greenbelt for more suburban sprawl that has proven to be detrimental to the economy and only benifits the developer is selfish and moronic. Destroying floodplains and sponges needed to prevent flooding within Toronto is thoughtless. Read more

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We voted a resounding NO to urban sprawl. It could not be more clear. Hamilton is full of abandoned and underused spaces in the inner city that can be built up! In the face of climate change, your move is to parcel off our protected green space to sell to developers? Do not bully us.