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This is heart breaking. To have open season on bears who want nothing more than to be left alone to try and survive a life that is already challenging. To give blood thirsty hunters the opportunity to try and obliterate this species for nothing more than the joy of killing. Read more

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1. Bear cubs will continue to be orphaned if the hunt becomes permanent. While it’s currently against the law to kill cubs and mother bears accompanied by cubs, mother bears often leave their cubs in trees when searching for food. Read more

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To think at any level that it is morally, ethically or scientifically acceptable to shoot, kill and remove a lactating mother from her offspring is absolutely deplorable. The government really needs to start thinking in a more progressive, less swayed by hunting and tourism lobby groups, way. Read more

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Why the heck would they do this. We are taking away their lives for god sakes. They don't hurt anyone until they are confronted by a human. We already take away wild animals houses because we have a huge urban sprawl. What gives the right for the government to this. Read more

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Please!!!! Re-think this proposition. It is a travesty!! Hunting bears right out of the den (never mind baiting them to do so is disgusting at best) is absolutely cruel. Leaving young cubs to fend for themselves when they are to young to do so. There has to be another solution. Read more

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Please abandon or restrict a spring bearhunt when there are cubs and bears are at their most vulnerable. Are hunters eating them?? Are they starving after a long winter of low provisions in 1898???? Why must we insist on wiping out the animals that make our planet so interesting and beautiful?