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No animal should be culled because of human conflict. People should perhaps put in to perspective the fact that there are 8 BILLION people in the world and no one is culling the human population yet we think it's our right and responsibility to control the animal population. Read more

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I suppose that someone makes money from the bear killing and as far as I can discern that is the only rationale for such a 'programme'. At least the killing of game animals feeds people directly, but how many eat bear. Are there too many of them? Are they gobbling up folks? Really!

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I support the proposal to reinstate the spring black bear hunt. I have hunted in the new spring hunt each year since it began and have had success. The black bear population where I hunt is doing very well. In 4 years I have seen many bears and only harvested one bear. Read more

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I am very concerened with the regressive policies toward wildlife happening in my home province of Ontario. The Spring Bear Hunt is cruel and unnecessary. What a time to have it too, when mothers are nursing babies. It is clear there is little concern for animal welfare by the Ontario government. Read more

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Females with cubs must be protected; currently that is difficult as cubs are frequently treed or kept away by their mother while she forages. The current season of May 1 to June 15 should be changed to June 1 to June 30 to protect females with cubs as well as the cubs themselves. Read more

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Please CANCEL the spring bear hunt!! We should be RESPECTING life, not exterminating! Who are we to decide what animals get to live and which don't. These hunts result in more cubs being orphaned, upsetting ecosystems, creating wildlife conflict and putting people at risk! Read more

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It is high time for bear hunting to be totally outlawed. The only reason for it is to pander to weak make egos which feel a need to dominate. not eat bears. Rather, the emphasis should be on bear viewing, which in .British Columbia at least has proven far more lucrative than hunting. Read more

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Greetings! Although I understand the need for control of the population, I think the spring hunt is inhumane in that the potential for orphaned young is a definite and inevitable outcome. The orphaned young will undoubtedly suffer unjust and slow mortalities. Read more

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Please do not bring back the spring bear hunt. My husband and I have enjoyed cottage life for several decades. In that time we have encountered bears the odd time but they have never bothered us. Not even our composter or bird feeder. They just go about their business. Read more