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I, and many Ontarians that I’ve spoken to, would like to see our government disallow sport hunting entirely. Wild animals should be able to live out their natural lives free from human violence and their populations be regulated by the ecosystems within which they live. Read more

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I am very concerned that the Ont. gov. is proposing to make the temporary spring black bear hunt permanent. It is my understanding that there are only approximately 100,000 black bears in Ont. That is a not a large number of animals! Read more

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There was a specific and extremely valid reason for canceling the spring bear hunt; the accidental killing of female bears with cubs. The only reason this is being considered again is because the government thinks it can make money from bear hunting licenses. Read more

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Black bear hunting should not be legal in Canada. There's no way for hunters to differentiate between male and female bears if there is a spring hunt, risking the orphaning of cubs who are cannot survive without their mother. This is cruel and should not be allowed. Read more

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I find this so disturbing. Setting up a system that will orphan bear cubs? I don't understand how anyone can think this is a good idea. In my entire life of camping and cottaging, never have I been bothered by a bear. I consider myself lucky if I spot one in the woods. Read more

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Hunting of any Wildlife in our public places , forests, parklands and marshes is not good business .... Allowing the hunting of bears in the Spring is cruel and immoral and it is a reactionary measure un welcome in a modern World ... Read more

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Please do not reinstitute this cruel bear hunt. Wildlife is under threat from human encroachment on their habitats, climate crisis, and civilized societies are building refuges and protected areas to keep wildlife safe. Why is the government proposing this? Read more

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There is no need for a spring black bear hunt. The risk of a mother bear with small cubs being killed, thus orphaning her cubs is too great. It cannot be left up to hunters to determine in the field, from a distance through a scope, if they are looking at a male or female bear. Read more

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We own property up north and strongly object to the proposal to allow black bear hunting. We have seen bears on our property and have no issues with that - we enjoy and respect them from a safe distance. We do NOT want to see them killed.