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This is the most inhumane proposal I have ever read. I had no idea it existed already. It simply cannot be allowed to expand or even continue. Are we civilized in this province or not? How can any elected representative of the people believe this makes any sense. Read more

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Absolutely disgusting that the government is even thinking of this! But with this ont government in control! Nothing surprises me anymore! Do not allow the opening of new areas and faze out completely this horrible practice

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This is a shocking and barbaric reversal of legislation/act that was to be phased out. As an immigrant and citizen of Canada and Ontario for the last 9 years I am disguised by this proposal. It’s not forward thinking, does not belong in a modern and progressive world. Read more

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I oppose this cruel proposal. Surely we are better than that. The lives of those animals are as precious to them as yours is to you. Please Don’t move forward with this. Have a heart.

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The practice of dog train and trial areas is simply inhumane. Inhumane as defined by the Oxford language dictionary: without compassion for misery or suffering; cruel. The act of capturing and acquiring animals only for them to be confined and tormented for their lifespan. Read more

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This is a disgusting and inhumane practice. Animals should not have to live their life in non-stop fear and stress. There is no purpose to this barbaric practice. Even the dogs should not be used for this horrendous activity. Read more

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No ! We can't destroy wildlife and the little wilderness left in the city. We need to learn and share this land with them like have have learnt to adapt to our selfishness, pollution and constant destruction ! We must stop hurting them and even worse intentionally!

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This process was phased out for a reason. The ford government has already wreaked enough havoc on our wildlife and green spaces through their development projects, constantly pushing to develop Ontario’s green belt despite promise after promise not to. Read more

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Please do not permit additional licences to be issued for this cruel and inhumane practice. I cannot believe this horrible act is currently in use. The suffering of innocent animals to be trapped and held in cages and then to be hunted down and mutilated by dogs should not exist. Read more

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I do not want to see this cruel practice of penned animals being used for hunting practice. It is an unconscionable way to treat our wildlife. They deserve to live a natural and free life. Do not allow this practice to continue. Do not let licenses be transferable. End this.

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This is completely unnecessary legislation that causes animal cruelty for no reason. It is outdated and not in line with respect for nature and wildlife. It’s disgusting and a waste of taxpayer time and money, and only positively impacts a minuscule proportion of Ontarians.

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I had no idea this was even allowed in the first place and it's terrible. Please do not allow more train and trial areas to open. They encourage animal cruelty through the use of hunting dogs and this needs to be phased out, not encouraged. Read more

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I thought this type of practice was phased out and I'm disappointed. I do not wish to see it come back. Instead of opening new areas, we should be closing them all. I would love to see many more wild, green spaces available to our communities but not like this. Read more