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It is inhumane and absolutely disgusting to train dogs to attack and kill wildlife. Wild animals have a right to live with their families in protected areas. Dogs should not be trained to be violent. This is animal cruelty on all levels - to the dogs and the wildlife they will harm. Read more

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Why would this practice ever be allowed? At some point we have to start respecting nature and wild life. If hunters want to train their dogs they will have to do it in forests that natural way. We are terrorizing helpless wildlife to make hunting easier? Read more

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Respectively, this is absolutely barbaric and unnecessary! If someone wants a hunting dog, get the proper breed. It's intuitive. They don't this type of training. It is absolutely cruel and unnecessary! First off, hardly anyone needs to hunt for food. This is strictly sport. Come on. Read more

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This is appalling and is straight up violence and abuse. How can this not only be tolerated, but encouraged. Let’s put our energy into more productive things like ensuring a safer province, not one that celebrates animal cruelty. Violence begets violence. Do better!!!

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I cannot fathom why any rational human being could come up with such a barbaric proposal in the first place. I am clearly just stunning at the callousness of the way we look at our animal kingdom. Read more

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This is allowing UNNECESSARY cruelty, to wild, innocent animals. There is nothing about any of this that I could support or understand. We should be doing the exact opposite and the government should be enforcing laws the protect these animals from exactly this. Not making laws that okay it. Read more

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Wild animals should not be penned for hunting dog practise. Nor should be so easily removed from the wild. This puts vulnerable and young animals at risk to be mistreated and harmed. Seriously consider what values this law acts in.