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This is a deplorable and inhumane act. It should be immediately rejected. Wildlife are living, thinking, feeling beings that do not deserve to be treated with such disregard. Please do the right thing and say no to the proposal.

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They call it sport. I don't see any sport in having an animal enclosed in a pen to be ripped apart by dogs. Generally sport comes with rules for both sides. Don't see any referee for these poor animals. Pretty hideous.

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I firmly oppose the proposal as a resident and taxpayer in Ontario!! It is inhumane and wildlife suffers in penned area. Despite what the proposal calls for with regards to proper treatment of wildlife, it is difficult and costly to enforce. Read more

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This is an abhorrent and cruel proposal ! We do not have the moral right to choose what species are game that can be exploited ! DO NOT ALLOW THIS !! From Belfountain, On. (endangered "Jefferson Salamander" central)

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We are fighting for harmonious wildlife strategy plan in Ottawa. Trialing and trailing if captured coyotes it tantamount to dig fighting. It's cruel and devalues the life of a sentient being. Read more

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For the past two years, we have had to call the MNRF Tipline 6 Times to report hunting dogs being illegally allowed to run loose after wildlife on private properties in our neighborhood. The hunters bunch in trucks on our side streets while the dogs run loose without permission using radio collars. Read more

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This is barbaric and torture to poor animals that are born wild and should live free. You have no right to even propose such cruelty just for to entertain some morbid sick and sadistic people! Read more

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I am strongly opposed to the proposal to allow the issuance of licenses for new dog train and trail areas and the transfer of licenses. This proposal will allow for the training of hunting dogs, including the use of captive wildlife in pens. Read more

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This has to stop. It is wrong, and is cruel. Trapping and confining wildlife to train dogs to hunt is wrong. Hunting dogs can train out in the wild, on real hunts, where the wildlife can escape, and if injured by a dog, humanely displatched swiftly by a hunting rifle. Read more

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Blatantly cruel practice proposal, and very dated. We need to progress as a society, and what this proposes lacks any ounce of civilty or compassion and is frankly embarrassing. Read more

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I do not support this archaic proposal to trap and inflict pain and suffering on our province's wildlife. I implore the province to research methods to train dogs that does not involve the torture of animals. Read more

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I STRONGLY oppose the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry’s proposal to allow new licenses, and the transfer of existing licenses, for inhumane dog train and trial areas in Ontario. Read more