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This barbaric practice of torturing animals needs to stop! Standing and watching while an animal is torn to pieces while still alive is beyond reprehensible. Literally picture your family's dog or cat having that done to them. Foxes etc deserve no less compassion.

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It is extremely cruel to use any animal whether raised in a facility or captured to use as bait for training hunting dogs! Surely there are many alternative methods to train these dogs then to use real animals. I oppose the amendment and disagree with these potential changes to the act.

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When I read about this proposal I thought I had stepped back in time many years. It is 2023, however, and what is being proposed in ERO 019-3685 is as regressive as anything I have seen in many years. Read more

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It is most alarming that there is a proposal to increase penned dog hunting facilities. I vehemently oppose the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry’s move to allow new licences and the transfer of existing licenses for dog train and trial purposes. This is cruel and barbaric. Read more

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This proposal is cruel and unnecessary. Dogs can be trained without using wild animals as props. We urge you to consider that we are not the only sentient beings. Foxes, coyotes and wolves feel pain and experience fear. We urge you to not accept this proposal.

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This is unacceptable. These types of places for ‘sport’ are cruel and inhumane. Quite frankly there is no excuse for having them at all. Animal cruelty masquerading as sport is dangerous. What’s next? Dog fighting? Oh would this be too cruel ? No difference. Read more

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I'm against the plan to reverse a province-wide ban on new cruel "train and trial areas" where hunters participate in the blood sport of penned dog hunting. Ontario passed a law in 1997 to phase out new penned hunting facilities for important reasons. Read more

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I strongly oppose the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry’s proposal to allow new licenses, and the transfer of existing licenses, for dog train and trial areas in Ontario. Read more

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I am 100% opposed to moving backwards in the ethical treatment of wild animals. Let the grandfathered licences run out and be done with it. Wild animals should not be terrorized like this.

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"New train and trial areas were last approved to be established in 1997 and were intended to be phased-out over time. " There has been no rationale presented as to why these licences should not be phased out. Read more

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As an adult now that has grown up with this sport. I support these new legislative changes that will be able to provide a safe environment for all hounds to be able to do what they love. Read more

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In 1997, the Ontario Government phased-out train and trial areas for the very reason we cannot allow you to reinstate them. They are cruel. The licences for facilities that have been grandfathered to remain must be allowed to run out out their licence period and then be closed down. Read more

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The original thought of having this kind of training for this so called sport to die off should be followed. Any activity which causes stress to an animal for some gratification is disgusting in this day and age. Read more