Since trucks are generally…

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Since trucks are generally the main source of air pollution, more focus should be placed on identifying trucks that are "heavy emitters" and fine or incentivize these vehicle owners to repair, retrofit or replace their vehicles. Fines should commensurate with the amount of pollution these vehicles are emitting, for "more dirty" vehicles, the fine should be greater than "less dirty" vehicles.
In addition, a more effective way is needed to determine which vehicles are "more" or "less" dirty. One possible option would be to operate like police officers that randomly park at a given location and check that drivers are within the given speed limit. In the case of MECP, personnel with be using portable air pollution instrument that record pollutants of interest. Alternatively, instruments can be assembled onto existing infrastructure that records the image and identification plates of vehicles that pass by these monitors. The location of these monitors will be greatly affected by the speed on these vehicles as well as the frequency of trucks on these routes. One option would be to place this air pollution monitors and Wavetronix systems near to highways on/off ramps where the vehicles will have to slowdown down, there by making it easier for the air pollution monitors to sample the pollutants plume emitted from these vehicles