I am writing in opposition…

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I am writing in opposition to the regulation cancelling and dismantling the White Pines Wind Project. Development of renewable energy is imperative to mitigation of climate change and survival of humanity. As such the Ontario and Canadian governments need to explore and encourage renewable energy production in all forms, ensuring this a viable and important sector of the economy. As we transition away from fossil fuel use, development of manufacturing in renewable energy sector is vital. Keeping Ontario "open for business" includes respecting contracts and projects entered into in good faith and approved by previous governments. There will be cost involved in cancelling this project, including paying White Pines for costs incurred, and this money will come from Ontario taxpayers. I would much rather pay a premium for clean electricity than a penalty to dismantle it. Further, the cost will extend to lost future business in the energy sector and much beyond, due to creating a climate of fear and distrust of the Ontario government in the business community. Cancellation of the White Pines Project is very short-sighted, and appears to not consider the much broader ramifications on both climate and business environment in the province and beyond.

In summary, I urge you to cancel the proposed legislation to close the White Pines Wind Project, and instead fully support the project and others related to renewable energy production.