Dear Ontario Government, I…

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Dear Ontario Government,

I am a 73 year old retired architect, living in Ontario. My career has been in analysizing problems and finding working solutions that satisfy man, nature and science. I am quite good at it. I wish my government had my skills, but it does not and let me tell you why.

The problem with government is that it is political. When one politic loses to its opposition, the winner decides to reinvent the wheel, or just roll back all the projects of the previous politic just because it was begat by the previous politic that lost its leadership of the government. Politics is might, not right. Politics does not respect the investment of the public purse to move society into a more useful and equitable orbit.

Please be aware that old industries die and new ones arise to take its place. This is like man we only have a short time on this earth. Oil is an old industry, solar is a new industry. Throughout the world man searches for new energy without waste products that cause demise of nature. That is why people recognize that renewable energy is superior to petroleum to produce electricity. The truth is so obvious that I feel foolish reminding my government to wake up and pay attention to reality. We must learn to master renewable energy, develop it to reduce its costs and use renewables to Eliminate Oil.

Politics forgets its purpose, to serve its people and improve society at easy opportunity, because it believes that it must pay its debts to those who fund its political campaign that put the latest party into power. But is that realistic? Paying off wealthy individuals who pillage the economy just because they aided politician get into power is not logical. Politicians owe fealty to the people who vote for change because they want more, better from their society, improvement in living, education, assistance in a non caring capitalistic environment. Do the right things to help the people, not the financiers or power not only because this is your moral obligation when you took the oath of office, but because you cannot accomplish anything in one term of office, and if you neglect doing the correct things that the people recognize, you will not see another term.

Doing good for people, not the wealthy that do not need any help, but the working and middle class who produce the labour that makes our society function, is the correct way for a government to act.

Renewable energy, wind power for electrical generation is the right thing to do. Do not waste our tax monies by destroying what has been put into place. Yes some complain because wind power is a noticeable change in their neighbourhood, but they would complain even more if you put another generations source in their neighbourhood. However there is not other source of electrical generation that can be close to where people live and do its production with so little damage.

So stop this regressive attitude of going backwards in technology, and embrace the future, solar and wind power, improve it, do not destroy it, lest you destroy yourself.