This is a plea to save my…

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This is a plea to save my life.

Cycling is my primary mode of transportation in Toronto. I cannot afford a car and public transit often takes much longer than cycling. I have been hit by a car and have had countless “close calls” with cars when I’ve had to cycle on roads without bike lanes, such as Church St or University Ave before the bike lanes were installed. Removing bike lanes won’t decrease the number of cyclists in the city; in most cases we have no alternative mode of travel. Instead, it will force cyclists to ride in the road with cars. This will, of course, frustrate drivers, which, we’re being told, is a more pressing concern than our safety and the very problem Bill 212 is seeking to fix.

The Highway Traffic Act states that cyclists must leave at least 1 metre between themselves and the curb while cycling, and can take up the whole lane when the road is too narrow or when there are obstacles. Despite this, whenever I have to cycle in the lane with cars because there is no bike lane, cars honk at me, drivers yell at me, and some try to push me off the run. What is your government’s plan for to educate drivers on cyclists’ right to take up space when forced to cycle in the lane with cars?

I understand very well that you don’t care about me or my life. But please consider the economic argument for why I deserve to live:
by remaining alive, I contribute to the economy. If I am struck by a car and killed, there will be administratively costly police reports and court proceedings. If I am struck and seriously injured, I will also become a drain on the public health care and social systems (even worse!). By cycling, I remain active and healthy, reducing my burden on the public health care system. Cycling will keep me healthy as I age, ensuring I remain able to work for as long as possible. Finally, as more cyclists die following the enactment of Bill 212, the public will begin to question why they valued convenience over safety, and point the finger at you. I hope I live long enough to see that.