Please do not grant Nestle…

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Please do not grant Nestle the permit to extract millions of liters of water [PER DAY] from the well in Centre Wellington. I have no problem with Nestle selling and extracting water but why do it in a growing town where this process will disrupt our water supply eco system for generations.

Study after study is proving we have serious global warming happening and we will get hotter summers and colder winters. This will lead to water shortages anyway.

Why exacerbate this by adding this huge extraction of water in a small and growing town.

Nestle can simply go elsewhere where there are no people but lots of water. Or sell filtered water. why do they need to sell natural mineral water?

Thank you for asking. Please do not do this. There is no rational reason other than Corporate pressure. I am relying on my government to look after its citizens first and also to do the right thing.

Say no to Nestle.