I first of all am very…

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I first of all am very pleased that the Conservative Government has followed through with the cancellation of the WPD wind project. First and foremost the numbers still show a strong support for the Conservative Governments decision to cancel the WPD wind project in our most recent local election. I am a strong supporter of "Green Energy" but not "At All Costs". Protecting human health, species at risk, natural waterways and environment must be taken into consideration. Project site deals made with private landowners on the sly without public input and feedback should never have happened especially when the effects are felt by everyone in the project site areas not just the contract signing landowners. When we received the first piece of mail from WPD a decade ago and it referred to our home on a map a a "NOISE RECEPTOR" we new we were going to be dealing with a company that held no good moral ethics or consideration for the public affected by this project. They had their contracts and feed-in tariffs and that's all they needed to do their bidding. Our local environment has been devastated. Tree cutting and trimming, cement hauling and pouring, front lawns being dug up, non stop excavation and moving of aggregate, waterways and animal/bird habitats being destroyed, ditches and driveways being destroyed, the dragging of conduit and equipment unsecured up and down the roads, rocks and debris flying out of "blow out holes" from the underground conduit sites, stop signs being ignored completely, roads being blocked and even closed without any notice, heavy equipment veering out in front of oncoming traffic due to the non-present safety sign road worker, trespassing onto private property, water bottles and cigarette butts tossed onto private yards, roads destroyed by heavy equipment use, heavy equipment left running for hours at a time while not even being used, dangerous and erratic driving by construction workers, the numerous calls to the M.O.E.C.C. to report violations by WPD, the non stop noise and vibrations from trucks and construction equipment, and most recently late night traffic noise and lights from WPD security vehicles. This has been the "NORM" for most of the people in the WPD project site since construction started. This during the time of the projects go ahead and legal construction. My concern is if all this devastation took place during the construction phase then what are we to expect for the decommissioning phase of this project? If the same disgruntled workers are to be responsible for the dismantling, removal and restoration of this site then I hope the Ontario Conservative Government and the Ministry of Environment put the "For The People" slogan to the test and protect the people, as well as the environment in this small rural community.