The proposed changes will…

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The proposed changes will negatively impact my family, my business and me. The Nation Rise Wind project has been highly conditionally approved in the Township of North Stormont to which my property abuts. One of the proposed turbines is just over 600 m from our dairy and heifer barns which house over 200 head of cattle. Our son, his wife, and their 3 young children (under the age of 5) live in the farm house a further 40 m away. Although Ontario setbacks are required to be a minimum of 550m, worldwide this has been proven to be inadequate. Furthermore it has been scientifically proven that like people, young and old, animals
experience the same health issues caused by proximity to industrial wind turbines. This project was also approved using the higher noise limits which even the former Liberal government recognized as being dangerous to health.
Under the OLD Green Energy Act industrial wind turbines (IWT) were permitted to be erected on prime agricultural land. The Nation Rise Wind project IS located on prime agricultural land with access roads, gravel, cement, heavy equipment etc. being used taking this land out of production. The Municipality of North Stormont was not allowed to contribute information and IWT were never part of the official plan; the council voted TWICE to be non-willing hosts but....ERO 013-4040 would permit this lack of input to continue. The existence of municipal regulations and community support MUST be a mandatory requirement of approval. The Ministry is “already reviewing” the Nation Rise Wind project and is aware of the public opposition to said project, is aware of the high number of unaddressed noise and water complaints from other Ontario projects.
The municipalities of Ontario must have the right to ensure that new provincial guidelines, should apply to any upgrading or repowering of turbine components, any changes include up-t-date technology, research, international regulations (World Health Organization). All complaints regarding the operation of the existing turbines MUST be resolved to the satisfaction of residents BEFORE changes to turbines can be approved.
The Nation Rise Wind Project is under review pending a highly conditional REA. An immediate moratorium must be put in place for it and those projects in progress but not completed construction, pending not only conditions of flawed REA but an assessment of harm to human health and the environment based on current standards (including but not limited to current noise guidelines). A cost analysis is strongly recommended.