More familiar with the spectacular Cavern L Park north of this area which was also a Brook trout Lake.
FYI overflight clip of angler on Cavern L was use in the original "Ontario Yours to Discover" tourism ad 1980's.
During my vists to this remote access point we were disappointed to see a mining claim advanced to land clearing to bed rock, ensuing siltation and the possibility of blasting .
Clearly this process is more adversely impactful to Fish habitat ( food chain elements) than restricting access to anglers. Would this also be restricted
MNRf would benefit from more revenu neutral or positive approaches to these types of issues that could ad value and interest to such valuable opportunities. Consider smaller scalled lottery and angling and hunting with controlled access .
Unconvinced that layering restrictive policies/regulations without the supporting infrastructural wherewithall will result in the desired outcomes.
Submitted March 28, 2019 2:19 PM
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Creation of the Amethyst Highlands Fish and Wildlife Enhanced Management Area
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