I can't help but feel that…

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I can't help but feel that the government completely ignored all of the submitted comments that said that Ontarians DON'T want to lose SAR protections. The proposed amendments ignore all of the concerned comments and go ahead with whatever is best for developers. The following are my concerns:

1) Pay to slay- companies should NOT be allowed to pay a fee in lieu of protecting species at risk. This is insane. Money won't bring back a species once they are extinct. Short sighted thinking, which only benefits developers and companies. Again, exactly what Ontarian's didn't want.

2) The proposed amendments give the Minister way too much control, considering the Minister's position is a political appointment. We can already see how political influence has damaged much of Ontario's environmental protections- why would we give the Minister MORE ability to bypass protections and pick and choose which SAR are convenient or not for development.

3) Not protecting a SAR just because it is 'abundantly present' in other provinces is a joke. We shouldn't get to pick and choose whether or not a species survives just because it is geographically inconvenient. Come on guys.

PLEASE read the comments submitted by Ontarian's, not just the ones submitted by developers and companies. We can't bulldoze SAR just so politicians, developers and companies can line their pockets with money. Removing SAR protections doesn't benefit the people, it benefits the rich.