Overall I believe that…

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Overall I believe that Schedule 5 of Bill 108 represents an unjustified roll back of species at risk protection and recovery actions and should be withdrawn.

Specific concerns that I have of the proposed revisions to the Endangered Species Act (ESA), 1993 include the following:
1. It is essential that Ontario's provincial legislation on endangered species maintains a science-based listings of species, automatic protections and mandatory timelines to achieve any chance of recovery of endangered species. The proposed Schedule 5 does not meet this threshold.

2. The strict timelines set out in the current ESA must be maintained.

3. it is essential to retain the requirement for the government to consult with an expert prior to entering into agreements to permit otherwise prohibited activities.

4. the use of landscape agreements as proposed does not provide sufficient assurance that endangered species can be recovered.

5. I strongly oppose the proposal that proponents engaging in activities which harm threatened or endangered species and their habitats should be allowed to simply pay into a conservation fund. Such actions should never be permitted.

6. I believe that ESA-related notice postings should be posted to the Environmental Bill of Rights (EBR) registry and not to a "website maintained by the Government of Ontario".

Given the dire Biodiversity report recently released by the United Nations it is essential that the proposed Schedule 5 be abandoned. We owe it to our children and grandchildren.