The proposed changes to the…

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The proposed changes to the ESA make it virtually worthless for the protection of species. The listing of species needs to be done in an impartial way by scientists not with unqualified appointees to COSSARO. The current ESA should be strengthened not weakened.

One of the main problems with the proposed bill is it creates numerous loopholes to get out of actually protecting a species at risk. Industries covered under other laws like the forestry sector should not be exempt from protections of the ESA. One should also not be able to side-step protection of species or their habitat by paying a token amount into a fund. That is like having trophy Elephant hunters pay to kill an African Elephant in order to fund conservation of African Elephants. It doesn't make any sense. The Minister should not have a veto to stop automatic protection of a species at risk or limit the geographic area or circumstances where the act would apply.

One of the other main problems with this proposed act is the numerous delays being inserted at every step of the process. It could take many years before a Threatened or Endangered species is actually offered the weak protection that is proposed in this act.

Also, abandoning edge of range species if they are doing fine in other areas, demonstrates the lack of scientific understanding of the crafters of this bill and should not be included in the bill. The edge or range populations are where speciation often occurs and with climate change, species will need to migrate north if they can.

As Ontarians, we value our wildlife and our wild spaces and we don't want them destroyed in the name of profit. We do not have a problem in this province of a lack of land to develop. There is lots of land which doesn't house species at risk that can be developed, but there are some areas that are too important for species that they should never be built on no matter what. This act does not seem to be "for the people" it seems to be "for the business people".