Exemptions that give…


Exemptions that give industry special allowance to proceed in forest operations despite harm to species at risk, and their habitat, should not be in place.

This undercuts the purpose of the Species At Risk Act, and makes a mockery of our commitment to protecting vulnerable wildlife.

In 2017, the Environmental Commissioner of Ontario noted that the ministry has never denied an ESA permit to any applicant, concluding, "the MNRF has utterly failed to implement the law effectively."

I support the report co-authored by Ontario Nature, the David Suzuki Foundation and EcoJustice (quoted below):

"Ontario's boreal caribou depend upon forests largely undisturbed by industrial activity and natural disturbances... Boreal caribou are assessed as threatened with extinction, nationally and provincially....Yet the ministry has allowed industrial expansion into caribou habitat to continue for the past 10 years, despite evidence of population decline."

The loss of habitat for threatened caribou concerns me greatly, and I urge the government to stop granting exemptions to industry under the regulations of the ESA.

Sincere regards,

Kirsten Dahl

[Original Comment ID: 212614]