Re: Proposed Modifications…


Re: Proposed Modifications to O. Reg 311/06 (Transitional matters – Growth Plans) made under the Places to Grow Act, 205 to implement A Place to Grow: Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe 2019

ERO Posting: 019-0018

I understand that your Ministry is proposing to make the Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe, 2019, apply to the County of the Simcoe Official Plan Amendment 2, with the exception of policies to protect natural heritage in subsection 4.2.2, 4.2.3, and 4.2.4.

This is a blatant attempt by the province to retroactively undermine the appeal that was filed by the Friends of Simcoe Forests Inc. with the Local Planning and Appeal Tribunal (LPAT). Experts were retained at considerable personal expense in this case who provided reports outlining in detail how the proposal to establish a waste disposal complex in the middle of a significant woodland clearly contravenes the natural heritage policies in the Growth Plan, 2017.

These reports have already been filed, in addition to extensive written arguments, with LPAT. All the other parties, including the province, have also filed their materials with LPAT. Proposing modifications to O.Reg 311/06, after appeals have been filed, is unfair to the interests of members of the public who have devoted considerable time, effort and financial resources to this case. It is an outrage that the province can display such blatant disregard for due process and environmental protection in Ontario.

The province is seeking to ram through a waste disposal complex located in the middle of a significant woodland without the opportunity to have the natural heritage evidence considered by an independent expert tribunal.

You say that you have heard loud and clear from municipalities. You should now have the opportunity to hear loud and clear from the nonpartisan forward-thinking component of Ontario business, residents and tax payers who confidently recognize the value of careful discretion when their provincial government is fixated on eliminating the checks and balances, which have proven to be a steadfast mainstay of Ontario’s past successes. Calling legislation enacted to protect farmland, drinking water and natural areas unnecessary and outdated is not reasonable. It very much appears that the current provincial government wants to persistently make our environment an area to be exploited.

I urge the government not to proceed with this ill-conceived amendment in so far as it relates to the County of Simcoe’s Official Plan Amendment 2 and the natural heritage protections under the Growth Plan, 2017.