To whom it may concern: Re:…

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To whom it may concern:

Re: Proposed changes to the Ontario Heritage Act

The purpose of the current Ontario Heritage Act is to give municipalities powers to preserve the heritage of Ontario. Its primary focus is to protect heritage properties and archaeological sites.
The proposed changes to OHA do not support its purpose, but indeed will be detrimental to the preserving of Ontario’s heritage assets. These kind of changes to the Act would take away a local communities right to say what buildings and structures should be preserved. Instead, the authority would go to LPAT who have little or no appreciation for the work of the local municipal heritage committees or town planners.

Why the radical changes? The current Heritage Act provides criteria that help communities across the province conserve their history and heritage. I live in the town of Port Hope which has won awards for the preservation of its heritage architecture. We want to maintain what we have, but more importantly, we want to work to preserve more of our heritage properties.

Please, I implore you, take the time necessary and consult with the heritage and municipal sectors before making radical changes to the Ontario Heritage Act.