The water and sewage systems…

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The water and sewage systems as they are at present, are inadequate to handle those using them now.Still subdivisions are going up all through the province. The town of Delhi, near me has had issues with sewage for years, still subdivisions are opening up and houses being built. Many times the present system has put the overflow into Big Creek. I guess that is okay. Let a farmer dump cow manure into a water system and see what happens. Neither should happen. To take the strain off the infrastructure, in towns and cities, why do you not allow building on land located on secondary roads, not 400 series, or Kings Highways.

If this were done a farmer could sever off 1-2 lots for a building lot. That would take some strain off small towns and cities water and sewer systems, that are over loaded. It would increase the rural tax income. Many people want to build in the country, on secondary roads for the peace and quiet. The county would bring in approx. $6,000.00 per year in taxes. People building in the country, tend to build large houses. These homes provide their own, approved water and septic systems, at their expense. They are taxed the same as if they lived in town. Seems unfair that they get nothing other than garbage pick up. This would also help the older farmer earn some money to help with their retirement,