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I am commenting to express my strong opposition to changes to the Provincial Policy Statement (PPS) that would undermine protections for significant and at-risk wildlife and habitats and fast-track development at nature’s expense. We are in a time of climate crisis, and need nature to protect our communities from the devastating effects of issues like increased frequency and magnitude of flood events. Given this, I specifically request the following modification to the proposed Provincial Policy Statement Changes:

• Remove section, which would allow aggregate extraction to over-ride protections for significant wetlands, woodlands and wildlife (including species at risk) habitat. Allowing for extraction in natural heritage features in exchange for rehabilitation is not conducive to evidence-based decision making, as rehabilitation generally does not replace the full form and function of the destroyed natural heritage features. Additionally, species that rely on these features could see impacts at the population-level that could cascade into extirpation and extinction events. Allowing for this to occur is directly contradictory to the urgency of the biodiversity and climate crisis that we face.

• Clarify section what guidelines Section 2.1.10 "Municipalities may choose to manage wetlands not subject to policy 2.1.4 and 2.1.5, in accordance with guidelines developed by the Province" refers to. This clause should not allow municipalities to perpetuate further wetland destruction. Over 72% of Ontario's wetlands have already been destroyed (see supporting link, which contains reference to this estimate by Ducks Unlimited Canada), which leaves our communities extremely vulnerable to the hydrologic effects of climate change, such as flooding. It would be utterly irresponsible for a government that is "for the people" to allow communities to suffer in the future as a result of short-sighted decisions that are made today.

Any amendments to the PPS must be evaluated against the urgent need to respond effectively to climate change and biodiversity loss, two of the greatest challenges of our time, which will impact each and every one of us.