The whole water-bottling…

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The whole water-bottling industry needs to be critically examined. Currently, bottling companies are taking a precious public resource at ridiculously low cost and making large profits, while leaving behind a mountain of waste in the form of empty plastic bottles. While water bottles are recyclable, many of them do not get recycled; they are one of the most common forms of litter found along our roadsides, in parks and in our rivers, lakes, and streams. We would be better off if these bottles were never created in the first place. (They are made from petroleum, so the continued production of water bottles just provides an incentive for the continuation of the petroleum industry, with its high CO2 emissions).
In my opinion, the water-taking and water-bottling industry should be discouraged in Ontario. The price that water-bottling companies pay for our precious groundwater should be increased significantly, to reflect the true value of this resource to the people of Ontario, and to make bottled water more expensive, thus making buyers think twice before buying it.