Why is MNR attempting to…

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Why is MNR attempting to restore Caribou population in areas that are currently not supporting healthy populations? My suggestion is to focus efforts in areas that is currently supporting healthy population (continuous range to the north). The idea of the linkage through the Discontinuous range is not feasible or worth the effort. No caribou is using this link and chances are none ever will.

MNRF should conduct an open and transparent study looking at the potential impact of wood supply in Ontario before continuing with the CCP policy. Also, social and economic impacts to local communities should be carefully looked at. MNRF needs to identify how road decommissioning of old roads will be financed.

The design of the survey questions deliberately leads to a pre-determined outcome. I do not support the design of the survey and would seriously question the validity of any recommendations or future direction that would come as a result of this outreach effort.