*if we have conserved 9.9 terawatts (1 million megawatts) between 2005 and 2014 and the target is 30 terawatts by the year 2032, then why the need to produce more power that is expensive and does not reduce CO2 emissions but in fact perpetuates the need for non renewable power ?
*why are we selling power at $22.80 a megawatt when it costs $135 for a ratepayer to buy that power. If we have so much power that we need to sell it at bargain basement prices then why are we importing Quebec power at $50/mwh ?
*$100 million to help 37,000 households retrofit to become energy efficient. What about the other 4 million customers and what is the criteria to apply for the measely $2,700 ? Similar to the $45 per month Hydro One credit, must a household have less than $24,000 annual income ? Why is this only available to natural gas consumers ? There is no gas in rural Ontario, the people who need the help the most.
*The debt retirement charge was finally removed from Hydro One bills but so was the clean energy credit and now we have the cap & trade to look forward to, but you will reduce the h.s.t. by removing the 8% provincial portion however, you may be changing the TOU (time of use) to make up for that cash loss. Robbing Peter to steal from Mary and still stick it to Paul.
*Rural Ontarians get it in the rear with exorbitant delivery charges that is usually 3 x the amount of actual usage for a household (more for a business). The delivery charges pay in part for new infrastructure (transmission lines & poles) that all the turbines and solar panels require. It is truly a catch 22.
*FIT contracts continue to pay proponents between 17 and 29 cents per kwh yet our average kwh bill is 14 cents, the difference made up through global adjustments and delivery charges, so why not reduce the FIT prices to a reasonable level ? Why should the majority pay for the greed of the minority ?
*This coming week's weather forecast has between 0 & 8 kph winds so turbines will be turning using gas fired energy but producing zero energy (wind turbines start producing at 12 kph) so we will be paying for FIT as well as the gas plants to power them.
*The cloud cover is expected to be 70 - 88% so the most expensive producer of power will have zero output. Justify the millions of panels leaching toxins and carcinogens in this province that have permanently removed hundreds of acres of agricultural land from producing food.
*Justify paying biomass proponents 18 cents per kwh for the least efficient yet dirtiest of all energy sources, even dirtier than coal.
*Explain why cheap and clean hydro is spilled, nuclear steamed off yet gas plants are ramping up and down (much like the wear & tear and higher cost if you constantly switch from your brake pedal to gas pedal in your car) in order to provide back up power to wind & solar.
*How can wind & solar be called green when the transformers are anything but ? Full of oils & fluids that need to be replaced and require to be heated or cooled (using nonrenewable electricity) depending on the season. Giant sub stations that are plunked where wildlife used to live among the thousands of trees in forests that have been razed. Oil in the nacelles of wind turbines that leak and again need non renewable power to turn, stop, start, pitch, light, heat & cool them.
*Why is the Premier currently in Asia encouraging businesses/corporations to set up shop here when our local businesses, both large and small, are leaving in droves to where electricity is cheaper. Why is she wasting taxpayers dollars for her and her entourage to go to Tokyo & Korea and talk to Honda; who already have manufacturing plants here?
*Justify the CEO of Hydro One (and others on the sunshine list) annual salary, not including benefits and perks, of $4 million when the wages of 140 people in my township don't add up to that ? How can he have an empathetic ear ?
*Why don't you cancel all LRP contracts as they have been proven to be expensive, inefficient, an economy killer and detrimental to our precious environment and eco system and removes ag land from producing food ?
[Original Comment ID: 204076]
Submitted June 8, 2018 3:13 PM
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Planning Ontario's energy future: A discussion guide to start the conversation
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