The Long Point Region…

ERO number


Comment ID


Commenting on behalf of

Long Point Region Conservation Authority

Comment status

Comment approved More about comment statuses


The Long Point Region Conservation Authority generally supports the proposed amendments to the Water Taking and Transfer Regulation (O.Reg. 387/04) and the Environmental Activity Sector Registry - Water Taking Regulation (O.Reg. 63/16).

LPRCA supports the proposed priorities for water resource management as outlined in the Proposal Paper. The proposed priorities recognize the special water needs of living things as well as the municipal need to secure sustainable, affordable water supplies necessary for long-term growth. At the same time, the proposed priorities balance the water needs for agriculture and for other commercial and industrial users vital to community prosperity.

LPRCA strongly believes that the existing high water use area designation and regulatory restrictions reflected in the current O.Reg. 387/04 Sections 3 and 5 must be amended as proposed. LPRCA along with Norfolk County has advocated for a change in approach for many years.

We are happy to see that, with the information now available, the technical experts have deemed water taking in the Norfolk Sand Plain to be sustainable.

LPRCA also believes that the assessment and management of water takings proactively, on an area basis is the best solution in stressed areas. We ask that processes be flexible and encourage local water user communities to work collaboratively to manage water resources and deal with drought.

LPRCA applauds the proposal to make water taking data more accessible. The data is vital to LPRCA’s water management programs.

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