RE: The Species at Risk…


RE: The Species at Risk Conservation Fund

We are vehemently opposed to this new fund proposal. The reading of this information clearly sides extensively with development and developers for the sake of human consumption and with little regard for any species, whether wildlife or vegetation. In the natural world, species have inhabited a specific area for a reason. Wiping out a habitat for development will likely wipe out the species that inhabit that area. While a species may live in another area of the province, country or world, those facts do not give anyone - government bodies included - the right to severely impact, damage or destroy those species living in those areas that become desirable to developers.

Conservation authorities, along with conservation groups and organizations specialize in understanding the value of habitat for all species. They devote their entirety of experience in the study of the health and decline of everything nature. They KNOW what damage can be inflicted when development is allowed to run rampant. Clearly our species have suffered extensive loss through development. This fund appears to eliminate the need to preserve any species in its own natural habitat.

The voices of tens of thousands of citizens, along with conservation and wildlife organizations who have continued to oppose these constant changes should not be ignored for what the government perceives to be the government's greater good of over-development. Humankind does NOT supersede wildlife, vegetation and waterways - all of which existed before us. Now is the time to work in harmony with nature, not 'spot destroy' it for the pleasure of government and developers. This fund cannot restructure nature, it can only destroy it.

We implore this government to rethink its position, reverse the Species at Risk Conservation Fund, keep the stewardship of our natural lands and wildlife in the hands of the professional organizations, allow fair and full input and engagement by citizens and stop the destruction of our species at risk for the sake of unnecessary development, especially in any and all areas where at risk species reside or travel.