This is such unfortunate…

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This is such unfortunate timing! Over the past year, due to the Covid restrictions, Ontario residents are using outdoor settings in unprecedented numbers. This is keeping our population healthy, introducing a young population to new educational experiences, focusing on positive family activities and are safe places for single individuals. Conservation areas , for the most part, also have some trails and boardwalks that are accessible to those in wheelchairs. This demographic has few outdoor choices as it is.
Why would the Ford government want to make yet another cut in funding in this area? A huge cut was already made in recent years. If funding for upkeep and repairs was then to fall to municipalities, most would be unable to offer support . In the future, these areas would run the risk of being lost and overtaken. The reasoning then would be- nobody is using the conservation areas so let’s let them go. We have a responsibility to future generations.

I don’t have any supporting documents to upload - I’m just a concerned citizen- but I hope my frustration and disappointment is heard.