-the proposed legislation…

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-the proposed legislation should not automatically override the munipal governments planning without consultation: if you do the government is not being democratic
-the Ontario Housing Affordability Task force recommendations and this ERO are not creating middle housing that families need; it's a developers' money grab
-we don't need more single family houses sprawling out; they're too expensive, will increase taxes, and cause climate disaster (developers are also sitting on thousands of permits rather than building)
-we need gentle densification and more affordable homes like semis, townhouses, row houses, etc. in walkable communities
-4 storey apartments on any lot are ridiculous: qualifications are needed that the municiality should regulate, for example in Halton only on lots that are 150 x 150 square feet or larger
-rushing this Housing accelerator through without the municipal consultation and infrastructure in place will create a disaster
-please plan more responsibility and fairer for Ontarians! (and stop enabling the developers to profit at our expense)