This proposed amendment 6 to…

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This proposed amendment 6 to the ROP for Waterloo Region is visionary, forward thinking and compliant with current Provincial guidance. It has been developed with intensive and insightful input from many concerned and knowledgeable citizens of the Region. It has been approved unanimously by the mayors of the constituent municipalities. It protects the invaluable farmland resources of the Region. It minimizes the costs of infrastructure to support the required growth of both industrial/commercial and residential properties. It protects our essential water resources.

The plan accommodates more housing units than the provincial allocation of growth.

This plan has my unqualified support as well as the unanimous support of hundreds of concerned citizens.

I am well aware of the Provincial Government's many unwarranted changes to municipal governance, Conservation Authorities Act, Greenbelt boundaries, Wetland evaluation methodology, recently enacted under the false assumption that these changes will encourage and speed up the development of much needed housing. It is apparent to all informed observers that these changes serve only the land development industry; they will not produce the desired rapid building of affordable housing in the right places. I am also well aware that the developer cartel recommended that vastly more land be zoned for sprawl development, the most profitable type of construction for them.

In stark contrast, the proposed Amendment 6 to the ROP of Waterloo Region will, without need of Ministerial changes, produce sustainable and affordable housing and jobs on land, of which there exists more than sufficient supply within the existing boundaries of the Region, while protecting the agricultural, natural heritage, and water resources.

I recommend and urge the Ministry to approve this proposal without change.