Regulations may have changed…

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Regulations may have changed but as a cottager I have to direct all sewage into a regulated treatment system. Sewage as defined is contaminants from toilets, showers, sinks, washbasins etc. considering this houseboats, and probably all floating homes/cottages have holding tanks to collect toilet wastes yet they are allowed to dispose/direct sink and wash wastes directly into the surface water. Why is the definition of sewage for one structure different from the other? Both contain bacteria harmful to human health. and the size of holding tanks on most vessels will not accommodate toilet wastes for the days prescribed in the current regulations. So what is the alternative …. use the woods. Lastly, empty the contents of the holding tank at a marina. Well although it sounds good I believe there is one one certified marina on Temagami that can provide this service legally. Marinas don’t want to offer this service as it becomes to costly. Otis interesting that if a marina offers service to a craft that has a head it must provide a pump out service however houseboat rentals are to have a locked system I understand so do the operators have to provide keys to marinas that do offer this service? Do the boatbuilders have that much of a lobby power to have legislators turn a blind eye?