All of Ontario is NOT a…

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All of Ontario is NOT a place to build large houses that no one but the richest in society can afford. The proposed changes (i.e. paving over more natural lands and farmlands) to the province's land use planning policies do absolutely NOTHING to address the housing crisis - it will not help to increase the supply of affordable housing, municipalities are going to be forced to foot the bills for new infrastructure to accommodate these over priced subdivisions, and it will only cause further destruction of natural lands that we, as part of the global community, cannot afford. And this government's own housing taskforce stated, there is absolutely no need to open up more natural or agricultural lands to address the housing crisis, yet for some strange reason the government has chosen to ignore its own taskforce's recommendations.

From everything I've seen from this government's attack on environmental and land use policies (for example, Bill 23), it certainly looks as though all that this government cares about is further enriching large developers, a startling number of whom happen to be great friends of the leader of the PC government. In summary, these proposed changes to Ontario's land use planning policies, do nothing to address the affordable housing crisis, and do everything to worsen the environmental crisis - which is existential crisis that threatens all of us, including the politicians in this government and land developers, and to ignore such a thing is the height of stupidity - this proposal should be withdrawn, and previous, stronger land use planning rules should be restored. And I know that I am not alone in feeling this way, the people of this province have made clear that we do NOT want, nor do we need to open up anymore of our natural lands. And the government knows this.