YREA opposition to ERO #019…

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YREA opposition to ERO #019-6813 proposed sprawl policies
York Region Environmental Alliance (YREA) strongly opposes amendments to the Provincial Policy Statement (PPS) and the Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe (Growth Plan). These changes would further exacerbate urban sprawl and the ongoing loss of farmland and natural areas in Ontario. The continued onslaught to long standing conservation safeguards must stop. For years, YREA has advocated against sprawl and the unnecessary Hwy 413 in favour of protecting farmland. Our exact words included ‘what will happen when climate change & drought reduce agricultural capacity in the USA?’ WELL THAT TIME HAS COME as US fruit giants Driscoll & Naturipe look north to Canada to establish berry farms in Quebec & Ontario. In place of these sprawl amendments, Ontario should be making provisions to accommodate the continued waves of farming migrants by protecting and expanding farmland so we can ensure greater agricultural capability and local food security in the emerging climate crisis which will impact agriculture and food supply worldwide.
Sprawl development will not solve current housing needs, as this government pretends. A shortage of land is not the cause of Ontario’s housing scarcity, it is inefficient land use which can be resolved in existing areas through intensification. The amount of land already designated for development far exceeds what is needed to meet long-range housing targets. The Oak Ridges Moraine and Greenbelt must be protected by retaining all PPS and Growth Plan policies. YREA is strongly opposed to proposed policy changes that would:
- Eliminate mandatory intensification and allow municipalities to expand settlement areas at any time without a full review of infrastructure needs or potential impacts on farmland and natural areas;
- Force municipalities to allow severances from every farm, even in prime agricultural areas;
- Exempt lands that are the subject of Minister’s Zoning Orders (MZOs) from complying with provincial policies and official plans;
- Remove the requirement for municipalities to undertake watershed planning and protection;
- Weaken and eliminate policies intended to address climate change.

These proposed policies will spell disaster for the lands and waters that sustain Ontarians. We urge you to do what is right. Withdraw ERO 019-6813 and retain all PPS and Growth Plan policies that are designed to curb sprawl and protect farmland and natural areas. The politicians, cronies and influencers who have no qualms about eliminating the plans that protect our environment will soon be gone while the damage caused by their self-interests and foolhardy decisions will last forever.
Gloria Marsh, Executive Director
York Region Environmental Alliance
Partnering for a greener planet